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The Sun's Best Friend

Fluffy's love for the sun was ​more than just basking in its ​warmth. She seemed to believe ​that the sun was his personal ​friend, always there to greet ​him with a golden embrace. ​Her days were spent in a cycle ​of sunbathing, napping, and ​then sunbathing some more.

Paper Collage Meteor

Dream of Burning Asteroid

In her dream, Fluffy found ​herself not on her usual perch ​by the moonlit window but in a ​vast, open field under a sky ​ablaze with stars. Fluffy was ​decided to burn 3% of supply ​at 500k mcap.

Fluffy the Moon-Loving Cat

Fluffy's love for the moon was ​more than just an appreciation ​for its beauty. She seemed to ​believe that the moon was her ​confidant, a silent partner in ​her nocturnal adventures. Her ​nights were spent in a cycle of ​moon-gazing, prowling the ​quiet streets,